“May the Lord Bless you and protect you.  May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show His favor and give you peace.” \

Numbers 6:24-26


Greetings from Rick and Sharon.  We are humbled by God's calling on our lives.  By His grace, our globally expanding ministry is changing lives.  They are being transformed through God's Word and simple acts of love.  The testimonies are impacting and our faith is BIG.  It has been an exciting year and there is so much to share from Asia to new ministries all over the world.  We are constantly amazed how God uses our passions to meet and affect the people we meet.  Together with God's help and your support, we have accomplished so much in the last five years.  Thank you!  Now is the best time to press in and continue to be Kingdom minded.



We trained leaders to go out and be the feet and hands of our Lord.  How glorious to see the work being sown be multiplied in a remarkable way in China.  We were asked to preach at a great revival.  The hearts of everyone in attendance were full of expectation. Many were saved, healed and refreshed.   We will be returning in 2010 along with Craig and Nancy Masaitis 



In December 2009 will be one of the largest gospel campaigns in the South American country of Peru.  Hundreds of pastors and leaders have already signed up to attend traveling from all over Peru.  It will be a great time of learning about the essential factors to successfully disciple men and women.  These leaders who have a heart after God are impacting the lives of people, not because of what God can do for them but what they are called to do for God.  This conference will challenge them to step out of their comfort zones and go deeper in their commitment and callings.  Victor and Stephanie Lopez will be joining us in Peru. Victor is a Field Network Associate for Man in the Mirror.  He trains men’s ministry pastors and leaders to reach and disciple men. 



The ultimate goal of our ministry is to bring the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ to people who are lost without Him.  Through our ministry congregations are raised up throughout the land and pastors and leaders are trained to lead them.   What a joy and privilege!  Please join us as we are now involving people to impact nations for Christ.  Rick and Sharon and World Changers Today is Good Soil! We are in need of $6,500.00 to complete this outreach in Peru.

Thanks to all our faithful supporters.  We could not do it without you.  If you have never sown into World Changers Today please ask God what is your part in the ministry.  Allow God to speak to you.


When you partner with Rick and Sharon Stangler World Changers Ministries, you are taking an active role in the transformation of a nation for the glory of God.  Your contributions guarantee the Gospel going forward.  You truly become part of a team that changes people’s lives by the power of the Holy Spirit.   We can’t wait to see what God is going  to do.

“God always shows up and something good always happens.”

Pastor Clark Whitten, Grace Church


"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor.  He has sent me to proclaim that the captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the downtrodden will be free from their oppressors and that the time of the Lord's favor has come.  Luke 4:18-19

You are part of this story.  Insert your name where it says ME!  You are providing the seeds to make this happen.  Partnering with you is making a difference from what we see, hear and experience.  Simplicity of  Faith!


Together with you, we are making a difference in that region of the world.  This is a time to reflect on the blessings that God has given to all of us.  The world's economy may be crumbling, but let this be an opportunity for us to proclaim the unshakable realities of the Kingdom of God.  The gospel is the eternal Word of God to mankind.  He is unchangeable.  Faith is today's possibility.  Faith does not hve walls or limits.  The Lord says "If you have faith of a mustard seed, you can speak to the mountain and it will be removed."  Faith stirs you.  Faith does not restrict you.  We are going to see God do miracles.  As we act, God acts.


Faith is a leap into the light, not a step into darkness.  Faith is the threshold to every miracle.


"Go teach my people in faith."  God is calling us to do the natural and He will come to do the supernatural.  We are always amazed at what the Lord is doing around the world.  It is truly a privilege to be part of such a global move of God.  God is at work in ways that are remarkable!  Our ministry work in China was birthed in 2005.  Here are a few of the tremendous fruits that were produced in March 2008:


  • Teaching a school of pastors and leaders
  • Discipleship training in universities
  • Speaking in three self-government controlled churches
  • Evangelism at the North Korean border
  • A paralyzed man was healed
  • Evangelism, healings and restorations were always present


We are returning to China in May 2009 with faith in God and His Word.  Faith is basic, profound and simple!  We are going with the greatest expectations and anticipation in our hearts.  We truly expect them to be more fruitful now than ever before!  Please pray along with us that this is going to be the largest of the supernatural we have ever seen.  People will be reached and lives will be changed as we teach and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in China.  What a privilege.


We encourage you to get into the realm of the impossible - that's when things start to happen.  Satan loves to see leaders and people destroyed.  Keep praying and pressing in to God and His Word.  Signs and wonders follow those who believe.  Rick and Sharon are dedicating their lives to serve people and families across the world for God's specific purpose of advancing the kingdom.



"Rick and Sharon have been such a wonderful blessing to all of us in China.  They have demonstrated and witnessed God's passionate heart for His people.  They have shown the love of God through their teaching ministry, prayer and lifestyle.  All of us have been deeply touched and moved by their ministry.  Through their teaching and ministry, they have encouraged and loved our students and staff.  They also helped to restore relationships with spouses and with loved ones.  Their ministry in China brought such an amazing and life changing impact on all of us and shaped new dimensions to key leaders.  Thank you from the heart of China for sending Rick and Sharon back in May." 

Kenneth B. - China Ministries



Each of us have the opportunity to contribute something.  Many of you already do.  We are going to make an unusual request.  We are asking ALL of our prayer partners and those who enjoy seeing what God does through this ministry to consider giving toward this upcoming trip to China.  We know this to be a bold request but we are sensing that God is going to do great things and we don't want to miss any opportunity to see Him expand His kingdom.  No matter how small your gift may be, we want you to be a part of what God is doing.  How many times have all of us seen God take something small and multiply it?  So thank you for your faithfulness by helping us teach those who need His salvation, healing and deliverance.  May God bless your investment.

Reaching a city, a nation and the world for Christ!  The righteous keep moving forward!  $5,800 is needed for this ministry trip to China!

Please join your faith and prayers with ours.  You can go online to give your faith contribution at: https://www.mvi.org/donations




"Only ask and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the ends of the earth as your possession."  Psalm 2:8



“Let our lives overflow with joy and thanksgiving for all He has done.”  Colossians 2:7


This inspiring scripture expresses our hearts at this special season. As Christians, this should be a way of life for every day.  From our hearts, we welcome you to a very special edition of World Changers Today newsletter.  Before explaining the meaning of “Harvest 100 Launch,” we would like to share God’s goodness and faithfulness with being involved, inspiring and impacting with some past blessings and future plans.


Since 1994 we have performed successful missionary work by traveling to 15 countries on four continents.  Without you traveling this mission’s road together with your continual support, this ministry would not be possible.  We have chronicled just  a few life-changing testimonies of what God is doing, taking the time to be in His presence.  When you have done it unto these, you have done it unto Me” says the Lord.


"Rick and Sharon have been a wonderful blessing to all of us in China. They have demonstrated and witnessed God's passionate heart for His people.  They have shown the love of God through their teaching, ministry, prayer and lifestyle.  All of us have been deeply touched and moved by their ministry.  Through their teaching and ministry, they have encouraged and loved our students and staff.  They also helped to restore relationship with spouses and with loved ones.  Their ministry in China brought such an amazing and life changing impact on all of us and shaped new dimension to key leaders in the area.  We are looking forward to have them back to further equip our students and leaders next year."

Kenneth, China Ministries


"Rick and Sharon were ministering in the Dominican Republic and God poured out His Spirit and touched and strengthened many marriages, both young and old, not only among the congregation but in our lives as well!

We will never forget the impact of communion time at the altar where each couple served each other.  It was a breakthrough moment in our marriage and many others as well!

After the conference, Sharon prayed over me and God poured out a fresh anointing of love into my life!  From that time our marriage has never been the same! We have experienced a new intimacy we never knew before, something which had been robbed by the abuse in my past."

Rick and Barb Sucker and Family, Dominican Republic Missionaries




It is called “home away from home” for missionaries, pastors and leaders who come to find a safe place of love and refreshing from the Holy Spirit.  Rick and Sharon are motivated through Christ’s love to share the gift of their home and hospitality. The Mission House is a home that has warmth, prayers, rest, and encouragement.   It is a safe place where you can express your heart in trust and confidentiality and to receive counsel through God’s WORD.  You will find healing from emotional wounds and physical afflictions as restoration to wholeness is experienced. 


“The Mission House” in Orlando is a resting place for mission workers and I enjoyed their sweet southern hospitality, filled with sweet tea and lots of love while staying at their home.”

Kenneth, China Ministries


“We came in September needing rest. Rick and Sharon have been such a blessing ministering to us with hearts of true servants and ambassadors of Christ.  We are so thankful that they have given us "refuge" that is a safe place of love and refreshing where we could place our burdens at the cross while being transparent with our hearts, sharing both joy and pain while receiving wise counsel. We desperately needed to be reminded that life is not all about the ministry. Sometimes the godliest thing we can do is spend time together to keep our marriage strong!  You've reminded us how even after 22 years, we still need “our time” to grow together and keep our marriage and family strong. We can go the distance, faithfully serving the Lord together, while experiencing great joy in the journey!”  Words cannot express the depth of our gratitude for them and the One who sent them to us.  Thank you so very much!”

Rick and Barb Sucker and Family, Dominican Republic Missionaries


"We met Rick and Sharon in 1997 while serving the Lord as a British Assemblies of God missionary in Guatemala. Since that first meeting a supernatural bond has been nurtured between us. We were invited to a Missions Conference in Orlando. I recall the other invited guests and missionaries stayed in a hotel. However, Rick and Sharon insisted that we stay with them in their home, now fondly referred to as "THE MISSION HOUSE".


They were incredible hosts, even going to the trouble of purchasing initialed bath towels for us.  We have never experienced such wonderful hospitality.  We have become great friends and stayed at “The Mission House” on numerous occasions. They never cease to amaze us by their generosity, devotion to serve others and of course their faithful obedience to God.

May God bless, guide and provide for all their needs now and in the years to come."

Dave Taylor and Family, Columbia

"Rick and Sharon came to minister in Tarapoto, Peru at a Women’s and Marriage Conference. God used them in a mighty way! The biggest impact made was to our marriage, which was in shambles. God has given Rick and Sharon great discernment and they knew we were in trouble. We returned to the states not knowing if we were going to make it. “The Mission House” was our home for four months.  While there, we received counsel, prayers, rest and encouragement. The Stanglers are like family to us.  Their unconditional love and openness are what makes them unique. We praise our Lord and thank Him each day for using you as He does and through the help of MVI.  We are so grateful for the miracle that has taken place in our marriage."

Angel and Karen Oyola, Peru Missionaries



Since 1994, we have made 31 trips to 15 countries on four continents!  For 2009, we hope to continue the Lord’s work by traveling to Africa, China, Columbia, Cuba, Ecuador, Honduras and Peru in addition to our efforts here in the United States.  And that brings us to


which is an appeal for “one-time” special contributions.  Seeds that are planted for a harvest!  God is God of the impossible.  Will you be one of the 100 to help light a fire for every generation for the work of our Lord in 2009?  Your support is so important and equally appreciated in these challenging times.

“Ask God what He wants you to invest in advancing the Kingdom.  Going into the world is an investment in souls and resources to multiply in every way.  God is using Rick and Sharon in mighty ways.  Sow into this good soil.”

Dr. Larry and Judi Keefauver


Your tax-deductible donations are greatly appreciated and needed for us to continue this beneficial global effort.  Your rewards will be many for the blessing you are to us and those you have touched around the world! Together, making an eternal difference!  Thanks to all of you who support this ministry and for your faithfulness to pray, to give of your finances, your time, your talents and obedience to serve GOD and others!  An easy “click” will greatly simplify this process.  Go to: https://www.mvi.org/giving/donations
to complete your generous gifts.

For those that wish to write a check, kindly make out a check to MISSIONARY VENTURES with a memo note “for Stangler Ministries” and mail to:


Missionary Ventures

P.O. Box 593550

Orlando  FL  32859-9835


Be blessed by visiting our web site at on a regular basis.  Mark it as a favorite link!  We will be bringing you updates and messages.  Your faith touches everyone and strengthens our hearts!  "Carrying the WORD through personal involvement"




We thank you and continue to pray God’s Blessings to you and your family.  Please email us a note of encouragement today.

From the heart of Rick and simplicity with Sharon, many blessings to you this Christmas,



Going to the ENDS OF THE EARTH in the Marshall Islands




GO AND TELL”  John 20:17


Before leaving, we received this blessing:


The Spirit says!  The glory of the Lord will be manifested through you as you minister in the Marshall Islands. Signs and wonders will be poured out. Generational blessings for marriages and families will flow forth for the people as a result of this impartation that will be planted there as a result of your ministry. The joy of the Lord will be your strength and all fatigue will be washed away. So minister in the anointing of Jesus' power and grace. The angels of the Lord protect and propel you!  

In His Love, Dr. Larry and Judi Keefauver  


We know as you read this you will sense God’s Presence and be compelled to take one more step closer... to Him. 


Many of the women traveled great distances by ship just to get to this event.  Some spent ten days on board ship just to hear the Word of God.  They came from the atolls of Ebeye, Langnaar, Wotje and Ailuk.  Others traveled from afar to attend this powerful conference in Majuro - Hawaii, California, Arkansas, Georgia and Washington State.  


Yes!  There is Marshallese in the United States and they have many Marshallese churches here. We are so amazed at their dedication to the Lord.

The conference began with a beautiful opening ceremony that was attended by the President's wife as well as national and local government representatives.  Rick preached a God-given message “Stand Your Ground.”  Lives were transformed by the powerful message. 


Then Sharon shared an inspiring invitation.  As God began to move, people opened their hearts and received Christ.  Sharon prayed boldly for each one in the government.   The President’s wife, with tears in her eyes, said “My heart has been touched. Thank you, thank you for coming.”


What a powerful opening night!  The conference was being broadcast to all of the Marshall Islands plus Hawaii.  A phone call came in from the opening message that said “I HAVE BEEN HEALED” as reported by the pastor’s wife.


During the conference, we shared from our hearts and the Word of God.  Many teachings were given using illustrations to really emphasize the message.  There are so many powerful testimonies to share.  History stories that will bless you.  And just think that you each share a part! 


There was a lady that had been bound with deep emotional wounds since childhood.  She had been prayed for all her life.  Yet, there was something still there, she was still not free.  The pastor’s wife reports that she is now transformed and this lady declares “I am healed and set free!”


Sharon’s heart was drawn to a lady early on in the conference.  Easter is her name.  She was one of the women that came all the way from Arkansas.  Easter was told by her doctor that she should not fly.  Her heart and lungs would not make the long trip.  At the end of the conference Easter stood on the platform and wept with joy that she is going home HEALED and for the first time her heart is beating normal. Easter now has a story to GO AND TELL! 

Something funny happened as Sharon began to teach her first message.  The pastor’s wife was the translator and she said “I cannot hear you out of my right ear.”


Sharon thought “Lord, she needs to hear.”  Sharon stopped teaching, prayed and then moved to her left side.  After service, the pastor’s wife said, “Say something in my right ear. And then with a smile on her face she said “I can hear now, I can hear now!”   GIVE GOD A HIGH PRAISE! 


We prayed for a SPIRIT of CONFIDENCE, for you see these women are very shy.  Boldness has touched them and they are going home with a story to tell.


Going and Telling with Confidence! 


The Lord told Sharon to have a breakout session on cell groups.  A strong thought came to her that she had heard a lead pastor in Orlando, Florida share many times.  “Every believer a leader!”  Sharon quickly acted upon this word.  Circling 38 groups of five, Sharon taught the effectiveness and the importance of small groups!  Well, the Spirit broke out!  Ladies got filled with the Holy Spirit and healed.  It was like days of old in the Bible in the upper room - Acts 1:8.  These groups committed to go home and lead 187 groups of five that equal 935 people in small groups.  Isn’t that amazing?  The vision of one church pastor touching the nations is impacting as we go with the Word.   Look what the Lord will do.  We encourage VISION.  Without vision, you perish.  Go forth in power!




Lives were transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit and families will be impacted for eternity. 


Need answers?  Have questions?  Have a God encounter! 


On our return flight, we had a layover in Honolulu.  Waiting for us was Pastor Tony from Honolulu.  He greeted us by saying “There has been a revival outbreak in the Marshall Island!  I have heard the messages by radio.  People are receiving a blessing here in Hawaii from the conference.” 


“I have kidney failure and I am on dialyses will you pray for me?”   We began to pray right there in the airport!   Waiting for his miracle!  Please join with us and continue to agree in prayer for Pastor Tony and his healing. 


Pastor Tony asks “Will you both return for a conference here in Hawaii and back to the Marshall Islands?  I want to gather all the churches on the island.”  “Yes” we quickly answered.


The theme for the conference has been “Go and Tell.”  The Word has been preached and the women have been equipped to Go and Tell.  Every service, we have seen the Spirit move in many ways.  Women have been healed, set free from strongholds and baptized in the Holy Spirit.  It has truly been refreshing to see the Lord moving in their lives!  We all have been with Jesus! 

Majuro itself is only thirty miles long and only a few hundred yards wide in most places.  The people of God are not in fear but living in Victory. They know that our God will supply all of their needs according to His riches in glory.  Philippians 4:19  


One thing that they really understand is that in whatever state that they are in “be content” Paul says in Philippians 4:11


The ministering teamed prayed and fasted about this conference and for us as their guest speakers.  God certainly did not turn a deaf ear.  They acted in Faith and an awesome God came and touched all of them!


Simplicity of Faith - the God kind of faith.  It has been like walking on water with Jesus!  Watching what God will do.   We are just being obedient to the call that is upon our lives. 


Our prayer is that God will touch your heart and you too can be a part of our ministry around the world.  We sincerely, thank the ones that financially support our ministry!   It was your dollars that took the Word to the Marshall Islands.  

God multiplies the finances. It is amazing!  Trust God and prove Him to be great!  Your prayer support is most important!  We need and feel those prayers at all times.  Our need for prayer and financial support is always there.  Please continue to pray and ask God how you can come along side of Rick and Sharon, whom you know and trust with God’s resources. 




The presence of God was very strong while in the Marshall Islands.  The people have been really blessed, not just the women but the men and children too.  You can tell by how happy they were, full of dance and joy! 


We were able to do an awesome job using illustrations to emphasize the messages.  Our hearts are truly for the people, and we don't exult ourselves. 

The ministry didn't just stop at the pulpit.  During the times we were not speaking, we were blessing the people by the laying on of our hands declaring and believing God will do miracles.   


“It was refreshing to see them hugging and ministering to the children.  I was an eyewitness to the Marshallese getting healed, set free and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Rick and Sharon flow in the Holy Spirit and it really blessed the people!”   Catie Bentley, USA, reported 


We have seen the Spirit move in fantastic ways!   It is so moving to the see God touch people's lives.  Signs and wonders were poured out.  Marriages and families will have generational blessings from changed lives! 


We encourage everyone to pursue GOD and to do everything in love.  The greatest force on this earth is GOD’S LOVE.  It restores and renews us as we seek Him first in all of our ways. 


The anointing of Jesus' power and grace be upon you.  And the angels of the Lord protect and propel you!




Be blessed by visiting our web site at www.wc2day.com on a regular basis.  Mark it as a favorite link!  We will be bringing you updates and messages.  

Your tax-deductible donations are greatly appreciated and needed for us to continue this beneficial global effort.  An easy “click” will greatly simplify this process.  To complete your generous gifts,go to:




We thank you and continue to pray God’s Blessings to you and your family. 

From the heart of Rick and simplicity with Sharon……………

Blessed to be a blessing,



Our recent trip to China was one of the most successful and satisfying of all!   We find that Chinese people want to know God!   They are seeking the answers… Jesus!

SALVATIONS… were always present.  People came to know God in a personal way and received His Grace…

HEALINGS… manifested mentally, spiritually, and physicallyWe were invited to pray for a man who had been in a car accident four years ago and became completely paralyzed.  We read Matthew 9:1-6.  After many hours of praying for him, this man came out of his wheel chair, stood up and his legs became alive.  He received HIS MIRACLE!  Other members of the family were so excited about his healing and wanted theirs too!  God the healer was in the house. And three other family members were healed too!


RESTORATIONS… of past issues, fear, rejections, guilt, and many strongholds that keep one from moving forward, found their freedom in the Father's unconditional love.






We spoke in the Underground Chinese Church, International Church, which is for the passport holder except the Chinese, and the Three-Self Government Controlled Church. The government churches are very controlled.  It is amazing how the doors opened.  The Holy Spirit moved in a powerful way!   We have received invitations back. What a glorious time.   Praise God!


One Sunday we preached two services and did a wedding vow renewal ceremony for a pastor and his wife that helped revive their marriage healing.  We also taught a four hour seminar.  Later back at our hotel, two leaders were waiting at our door wanting the ministry of the Holy Spirit. What a full day!


Many people will risk all they have to serve Christ.  One pastor on the North Korean border told us the government will have to kill me to shut me up.  "I love my Jesus!"  He has been in prison three times already. The government has now given him permission to have a church but must be quiet.   We were humbled to teach with his students at his church school.


Sharon's heart leaps at the opportunity to share God's love to Chinese soldiers at the border between North Korea and China.


Ask God how you can be a continual part of our ability to reach China, Korea and the nations for Christ.  Together we are putting out more spiritual fires all over the world.


Million's of people reaching for the hand of God through the fire of the Holy Spirit!


Think about something.  What is the legacy we as Christians are leaving?


Worshipers young to old.   This little girl was the baby girl you financially helped three years ago to be adopted into a pastor’s home.  She was put in the woods to die but God rescued her and now look now what she is doing in China.

As we are faithful to our call, God will honor your obedience as we partner together.


Let us PRAY and FAST like never before… joining our FAITH in ACTION RUNNING TO WIN!   Empowering people wherever we are!


MORE… PRAYER that all come to salvation!


MORE… MIRACLES AND HEALINGS than we've ever known before!


MORE…FINANCES to do God's work and favor with you and your finances!


MORE…PROTECTION around this ministry and your house so that the devil won't be able to see or come near us!


MORE…SHARING GOD with others around the world!


Jesus said… "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing.  He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to be with the Father. And I will do what ever you ask in my name, so that my Son may bring glory to the Father". John 14:12-13




God always shows up.   If we don't hear their cry who will?   People of China are asking for help to show them the way through the Bible and the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.  Our hearts are touched deeply.  We will be going throughout the nations in 2008 including a return trip to China.


Thank you for supporting us.  Together, we are preparing leaders around the world for a great harvest of souls and fulfilling the Lord's command to “Go into all the world, and preach The Good News to everyone, everywhere."

Mark 16:15


We pray daily for each one of you.   Loving and ministering to people is so fulfilling to us.  Please keep us informed on how we can pray for you.

Tour our web-site for updates and scheduled ministry locations.  Go to www.wc2day.com and bookmark us as one of your “favorites” and forward it to family and friends. 

Reaching People, Changing Lives!

We're praying for you!  May God bless you.


Greetings and Happy New Year!  We are doing great and are celebrating so many blessings. This year will bring many ministry opportunities so thank you for all of your prayers and support. Together we are reaching out by making a difference to so many in need.


She is precious in God’s sight and with your support she has a chance and her days are filled with hope. She thanks you for her education and feeding program.  Columbian by culture, Maria, will make a difference for Christ because of the difference you have made in her life.


We ministered in Russia and South America last year spending many days and weeks ministering the message of Christ.  Countless came to know Christ and were discipled into their new Christian faith. We spoke to many leadership, women’s, marriage and family conferences last year.  One day we spoke to an Assemblies of God meeting with over 350 pastors.  Many recommitted their lives and ministries to God.  This was one of the largest movements of the Holy Spirit we saw last year.  It produced a powerful conviction and time of refreshing.  These men and women realized we will only be successful as we stay connected to the Vine.  Christ is our source.  Apart from Him we can do nothing with lasting effects.  Lives are being changed and ministry’s will become more effective for God‘s kingdom.


Exciting as last year was, there is so much more that needs to be done.  We thank you for allowing us the privilege by being your partner in ministry.  We want to do more so we are again seeking your prayers and financial support.

We have invitations to China, Nepal, Peru, Dominican Republic and Africa.  This will be a productive year of a life changing ministry. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.”  John 15:8


During February and March, we will be in China.


We go in obedience and faith. Travel and living expenses will approximate $6000.  Funding has not arrived but that is what God has told us to do.


We will be working with the underground church for the planting of churches and equipping them in discipleship training and Bible teaching.  China has the largest population in the world.  (One in four people on the planet are Chinese.) Your support will make a amazing impact.


The window of time is in our favor if we accept this wonderful challenge to be a blessing for so many in need.


The harvest is here.  God is calling us to expand His work.  We must believe and trust God that He will supply.  Ministry, travel and maintaining home expenses are costly.  Here is what we are asking you to do:


  • Pray, fast and ask God to hear His voice on how you are going to be a part of our ministry for 2008.
  • Trust and believe for a greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit “Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.”  EPH. 4:20
  • We covet your prayers for protection and safety.
  • Pray God will double our ministry, prayer and support base.
  • Ask God if you are to travel with us on an assignment.
  • Send us your prayer needs.


In closing we want to give you a word to think about.


“Joy comes from seeing the complete fulfillment of the specific purpose for which you were created and born again not from successfully doing something of my own choosing.”

Oswald Chambers.


May God bless you.  

We want to pray and minister for you.  Send a picture of you and your family.


Keep us updated with a valid email address, postal address, phone number and birth date.